Well this post we have some big news~ we've found a house here in Rochester we are in the process of buying!! It's a big decision, so it's been stressful, and a bit overwhelming, but very exciting at the same time. It's nice to think all of our rent money will now be going towards something for us. So in two months we'll be moving once again. I'm not excited to be moving twice in a year but this time should be the last for a long time. We were also pretty spoiled when we moved down here last fall as Mayo covered our moving expenses & we did very little of the moving ourselves. At least this time we'll just be moving across town, so that's awesome :)
Will's doing well. He's learning lots of new words. He can finally say something that's supposed to mean drink, which is big news because it used to just be whining & now we know what he wants. Jeremy taught him how to say money, it's very funny as he walks around with his dollar bill saying mo-ey. He's learning how to use silverware, and is now drinking pretty well from a real cup. He's starting to look like such a big boy, what happened to my little baby?
I like to work my night shifts grouped together so I am excited that after Thursday I'll have a few good weeks of working days with my family. Things are going really well at work. I am starting to feel very comfortable and getting to know lots of my co-workers. I have learned alot, and seen lots of new things in the past five months. That's crazy~ we're coming up on six months already! It's amazing how similiar it is to my work in Fargo, and yet so different somedays.
To my friends and family in the Fargo/Moorhead area~ we have been thinking of you alot lately. I hope that you are staying warm, I heard about lots of snow, and the recent storm. I hope that you are all staying dry as the weekend comes. I hope the river is controlled in it's rising and that no major flooding occurs. Sending you all hugs, keeping you close to my heart.
~I miss you guys~