Hello baby boy~ We could be meeting any day now! What an exciting thought. So many people have such great hopes for you. As your birthday approaches I find myself thinking of your big brother's entrance into the world. As you've probably heard me say a million times during this past nine monhths, it was not so smooth. I hope for a smooth greeting for you sweetheart. I hope for no breathing tubes and oscillators. I hope for no cardiologists at your bedside doing tests (although we are so thankful for you) when I meet you face to face. I hope for no threatened helicopter rides that have anything to do with taking blood out of your sweet body, fixing it and givig it back to you. I hope for no narcotics and medicines that paralyze and hold you still for days on end. I hope for all of these things for you and yet in the same breathe I am so very thankful they exist and helped to save your big brother, William. I hope you don't need to know any of these things, but if you do, I hope that this experience also helps to make me a better mom & nurse. But Mom first :) I hope that you find great joy in your big brother. He can be such a sweetheart, kissing owies & patting my shoulder after hugs. And yet in the blink of an eye he can be such a little devil. I hope he doesn't carry you like his baby doll, usually very nice and cuddly but occasionally by the leg swinging him, hitting his head on anything possible. I hope he will find great joy in you too, you'll recognize him: he's the one blowing you kisses and then poking at you mercilessly. I hope you don't get offended when he calls you "baby" because that's your name so far to him. I hope you are born to enjoy hunting and fishing, because your dad is already talking about taking you out icefishing. I told him maybe not this year, you'll be pretty little this winter. I hope you love him the way Will does, we think he makes the world go around. I hope for a short hospital stay and a safe trip to your new home (I hope we finish your room someday :). I hope for days full of happiness when we all get to meet and get to know each other. I hope you are warm and safe where you are, and that soon enough you'll be warm & safe at home with us. With it snowing outside, and no doubt your brother will sound lounder, and everything will look brighter. I hope to see you soon, when you're ready sweet baby.

And of course a sweet welcome to our new nephew Colton!! We can't wait to see you sweetheart!