Hope that all of you readers had a happy Easter weekend! We started the celebrating the weekend before Easter. We took the boys to see "Hop" which they both enjoyed. It had some pretty good music & I think they both liked Easter Island (which is where all the CANDY is made for Easter :). We let the boys open their Easter baskets from both of their sets of grandparents. Our children don't want for anything~ if anything I would call them slightly spoiled! Then I worked Easter weekend, but luckily it was a quiet weekend. I was blessed with the day off on Sunday so we got to spend the day together. The boys & I dyed Easter eggs together. Here's Tristan learning how to dye Easter eggs. He didn't care for the egg holder, it just went right into his mouth. Notice the yellow-green fingers, and lips~ silly boy! He must think vinegar tastes good, because he tried to taste a few of the colors. He would roll the egg with his fingers, dip them in the color and then look around before licking them off. He thought he was pretty funny!
William is an egg dying pro. He strongly believes that he should get as much color on each egg as possible. He did a great job, and had a great time doing so. William is wearing his favorite outfit in these pictures. He is totally a three year old boy and prefers to wear as little as possible. Of course we have the weather on our side now, as he loves to be outside, and obviously has to wear clothes to be outdoors.
The end result: Eight beautiful eggs!
We had blueberry pancakes and ham for Easter brunch. Of course there were a few pancake bunnies after I asked if that was what he was making us! We were very lucky to be able to have breakfast all together~ and to have Jeremy cook for us!
Then the boys got to search for their easter eggs in the backyard, they had a blast! This was Tristan's first year finding eggs, but he caught on pretty quickly. He was very interested in what was in each egg so he had alot less eggs in his basket than William. He was really proud & happy when he found the last few eggs though. Tristan got the biggest smile for the egg that looked like a soccer ball, and he put it right down to kick it. William remembered what to do and after some encouragement was helping Tristan pick up eggs. William was really proud of all the eggs he crawled around to find! And really excited for CANDY!!
We spent the afternoon hiking at WhiteWater State Park. It was a beautiful day. Finally it may be springtime!!
Before bed the boys found their Easter baskets, making that #4 for each of them. Oh yeah there was plenty of candy, toys and books to be had for all. They were both excited about their new superhero t-shirts and videos, turns out the Easter bunny has good taste!
So all in all it was a lovely day that we weren't expecting to be spending together which made it even more special. Hope you also had a blessed Easter.
Park City Utah
2 years ago