March 24, 2009

Happy William

Well this post we have some big news~ we've found a house here in Rochester we are in the process of buying!! It's a big decision, so it's been stressful, and a bit overwhelming, but very exciting at the same time. It's nice to think all of our rent money will now be going towards something for us. So in two months we'll be moving once again. I'm not excited to be moving twice in a year but this time should be the last for a long time. We were also pretty spoiled when we moved down here last fall as Mayo covered our moving expenses & we did very little of the moving ourselves. At least this time we'll just be moving across town, so that's awesome :)

Will's doing well. He's learning lots of new words. He can finally say something that's supposed to mean drink, which is big news because it used to just be whining & now we know what he wants. Jeremy taught him how to say money, it's very funny as he walks around with his dollar bill saying mo-ey. He's learning how to use silverware, and is now drinking pretty well from a real cup. He's starting to look like such a big boy, what happened to my little baby?

I like to work my night shifts grouped together so I am excited that after Thursday I'll have a few good weeks of working days with my family. Things are going really well at work. I am starting to feel very comfortable and getting to know lots of my co-workers. I have learned alot, and seen lots of new things in the past five months. That's crazy~ we're coming up on six months already! It's amazing how similiar it is to my work in Fargo, and yet so different somedays.

To my friends and family in the Fargo/Moorhead area~ we have been thinking of you alot lately. I hope that you are staying warm, I heard about lots of snow, and the recent storm. I hope that you are all staying dry as the weekend comes. I hope the river is controlled in it's rising and that no major flooding occurs. Sending you all hugs, keeping you close to my heart.
~I miss you guys~

March 17, 2009

Happy St Patrick's Day!!

Just some photos to let you know what we've been up too! Mostly we've been working & doing some more house viewing. In our spare time last weekend we did do some fishing. William LOVES the outdoors. Of course everytime we've taken him fishing he becomes more and more adventurous, last time walking right up to the edge and checking the temperature of the water. Which was of course quite cold yet. I think he likes the freedom of outside where he can run around. He's learning how to jump in mud puddles, and now there isn't any snow in most of them so that's nice. He's learning lots of new words and is starting to copy us when we encourage him. Maybe now we'll get him saying grandma :)

Not much else to say today but I hope this finds you all well! I'll write again soon!

March 10, 2009

March Already!!

Happy William!!

I can do it myself Mom!

William on the move....

Beautiful flowers ;)

What is up with this weather? Mudpuddles??

Will loving the slide, without snow.

Is this what you call Spring??

William loves Mom's glasses~she loves the fingerprints!

Just thought I'ld post a few photos. It's amazing how quickly kids grow up. I swear William's grown a few inches this winter since Christmas. His vocabulary is growing too. He says "NO" alot, in answer to almost every question. He says all done, or all gone. He says dog and does a cute little bow-wow, without the w sound :). He remains a very active little guy, and is now into EVERYTHING. He has to take everything apart, and put it back together (if he feels like it). He's pretty sure he should be able to unscrew the top off water bottles but doesn't quite have the coordination, thank goodness! He can crawl up into his booster seat at the table all by himself now, if he wants too. He is either pushing smaller kids around, or being pushed around. At this point it's at least 50/50, he doesn't like being picked on so hopefully this will be a short phase. As you can see above he loves mudpuddles, snow, slides & Mommy's glasses. Or anything else you take away from him. He remains a very good natured child, full of smiles & laughter. We are so lucky to be his parents.

Work is going well for us. Not a whole lot to say about that. I could go on &on about my job but I'm not sure how much you guys want to hear :) In the end, I'm really enjoying it, starting to feel alot more comfortable with the staff & my skills, and learning alot. It seems like when you work with sick kids, you always hear from other people how they couldn't do it. It's funny because I couldn't imagine working ANYWHERE else!

We are in the process of looking for a house down here. It's been interesting. The more homes you see, the more you realize what you do & don't want. We have a few favorites but are still looking around.

I hope that you guys are enjoying the weather as much as we are! I was being sarcastic, but William wasn't....he isn't sure what's going on. Every time the mudpuddles come out then there's a bunch more snow dumped in them and they freeze over. The photos are actually from the first meltdown of the year. Our snowfall is practically gone now. It would be nice to have some sunny spring days :)

Talk to you all soon! Next time maybe we'll have photos of the whole family, it's just so hard to get the three of us holding still in the same spot, much less smiling ;) Thanks for checking in on us! Annette, Jeremy & William