April 2, 2010

Time flies when you're having fun!!

Well I would start with, oh my gosh is it April already? But it looks like I used something too similiar for February! I can't believe that was two months ago already. It's true, time definitely does pass faster the older you get!

What can I say about William?? He's TOTALLY TWO. That's for sure. We've been working on potty training and he has his good and bad days. When he decides he wants too, it will be done like that. So far we spend alot of time and energy trying to convince him it's a good idea, but he's usually not so sure. Unless it gets him out of going to bed, or timeout and then he's totally potty trained. Haha if only that wasn't totally true!! It's amazing how quickly children learn how to use things to their benefit. William is enjoying the warm weather....we've taken a few walks, and he's had his trike out a few times. He loves it outside and it really wears him out to play so hard. William's had kind of a rough winter with the respiratory flu bugs. He is just recovering with his third episode of febrile respiratory bugs. This last one ended up as an ear infection....his first one ever. Thankfully some antibiotics are helping to make him feel like a new man. He's still a pretty good eater but has his days. Sometimes he'll eat as much as I do and sometimes he'll get up in his chair, look at his plate, and say "Um, NO!" and get back down. He has a new friend in our's the time out chair. It can be any chair in any room of the house depending on where he's throwing things or hitting people. It's hard because he looks so pitiful sitting down in it but we really only give him timeout for purposefully doing something we've told him not to, which could usually cause harm to somebody else. This last few weeks have been especially trying as I went back to work, and then we all got sick, so nobody had much patience. He is typically a very active, fun, happy little boy. When did my oldest baby turn into a boy? I must have blinked!

Tristan is turning into our little chunk. He weighed 16lb 9 oz at the Dr last week, and he's only 3 months old! I said "At this rate pretty soon he'll weigh as much as William!" and the nurse said that actually isn't uncommon by the time the baby's a year old! Crazy. Tristan is: an awesome eater, obviously. If I had posted this last week he would also be an awesome sleeper, but that's on vacation this week as he's caught Will's respiratory bug. I swear our dr thinks I'm stalking her as often as we've been in the past 10 days! He's got bronchiolitis, which makes babies breathe faster and harder than normal. He has a terrible cough with this round, which makes it even worse. He can't keep his paci in his mouth coughing until he's retching. I think he's finally turning the corner, and will be breathing easy again soon. Tristan is a very HAPPY baby. He's full of smiles and laughs. He loves to look at his brother and almost always ends up giving a heart breaking smile to him. They sure love each other! Tristan has found his hands. He likes to chew on the top of his left hand. He's often found watching people with his hands held together across his big round tummy. He also enjoys watching our new big's terrible, they shouldn't learn our habits quite so fast! Tristan is turning into quite the little chatterbox...cooing, and making sounds, it's lots of fun having chats with him. Just for grandma~ NO he is not eating pizza & cake yet...sorry! Don't leave him on any flat surface on his tummy because he'll roll over, or off in about five seconds....he does NOT love tummytime :) Tristan is generally a very happy pleasant baby, and a beautiful addition to the family!

I myself have almost been back to work for a month. That doesn't even seem possible! It doesn't even feel possible either, but mostly because I did miss a whole week sick with the boy's illness. That was most unpleasant to say the least. I was nervous to be back at work, but it was alot like coming home. I fit right back in, and some days it doesn't feel like I was even gone. I sure enjoy my job caring for other people's sick kids. I hope that my husband isn't going crazy as this was my first week of night shifts since coming back, and both of the boys have been awakening alot at night since they're not really feeling well. I love my children dearly but have to admit it was good to get out of the house. And for those of you who know me, that's how much fun it was being trapped at home with them (or at the dr) all last week....I'm excited to go to work on a night shift. That is how much fun it was. Anyways thankfully we're all starting to feel better!

Jeremy is doing well. I'm not sure how he managed to miss the flu bug, but I think it's totally unfair. But I guess one of us had to be well & continue working. He was a little sad to see the ice melting on the lakes, but has already commented on taking the canoe out fishing. I'm not sure what I think about that. I just commented back how much fun it will be to take the two boys out & be trapped on a lake with them....priceless I'm sure!

I hope that everybody is enjoying this spring weather, it's been such a bizarre year! Sending happy Easter wishes out to everyone. I hope you get to spend some quality time with your families! Thank you for continuing to check in on us! Sorry it takes me so long to update! Maybe next time it won't be as long, but I can't make any promises....Hugs to you all!

February 8, 2010

February already?

Crazy Tristan turned one month almost a month ago! Maybe I'll always be a month behind now :) My neighbor says she can't really remember the first year after she had their second child, it was so busy. She also says you get a routine going :) One can only hope.

Tristan at one month:
Is an awesome eater going every three to four hours during the day and six to eight hours at night so we get some sleep.
Is usually sleeping at least one four to six hour stretch per night.
Is a snuggler, which means he is starting to really think he should be held at all times while awake.
Is wearing three month old clothes and size 1 diapers. Amazing how they grow!
Has been icefishing and is a pretty good sport about it.
Doesn't love his carseat, especially if the car isn't moving.
Is starting to have more time during the day being awake & showing off his big brown eyes. No question what color they'll be when he grows up :)
Takes all kind of love from his big brother, including attempts at wrestling which has so far been caught before really occuring.

William is doing really well at being the big brother. He does tend to act out when you're holding Tristan, especially if you're feeding him, Will's just trying to test the boundaries. So far though we've been really lucky and it's been pretty smooth. Except maybe for the sleeping thru the night in his own bed. Thank goodness Tristan appreciates his sleep because I think it might be what's keeping me sane some nights. William is enjoying going to daycare , he loves his friends there. He gets so excited when you pull into their drive, it's too cute :) He has a special little girlfriend there, Mel, who he talks about the most, she's three. Julie said one day she checked on the kids at naptime and Will wasn't in his car bed but she found him curled up next to Mel's mat. Precious! William is really starting to talk, and knows lots of words now. His favorite fruit this month is apples and I think he'ld eat them for every meal if he got his choice. He's very two years old, that's for sure.

We have been doing well. I'm enjoying my maternity leave and have about a month left. It's funny because I love being at home with Tristan but still kind of miss work. I'm sure I'll be back soon enough though. Well I'm hoping it won't take as long to get our next update and photos out, but I can't promise anything. The boys have been sick with a respiratory bug, first William, then Jeremy & now Tristan has it :( They called it bronchiolitis at the clinic today, it's a little hard for him to breathe but they're hopeful he should be getting over it soon. If you could keep him in your thoughts that would be great, it would be great to all feel better soon. Thanks for continuing to check up on us!

January 12, 2010

Introducing Tristan Christ

Well obviously it's been awhile since I posted. I didn't realize last time while writing to my youngest son, I would meet him that weekend! Tristan Christ was born December 13, at 5:13 PM. He weighed 8 lb & was 19 3/4 inches tall. While his older brother is often talked about for his birth & hospitalization, Tristan wanted to be known for his quick labor, and the 24 minutes we spent in the hospital before meeting him. Thankfully everything went well, and he arrived happy & healthy which is what we were hoping for.
Tristan on his birthday

We didn't have much time to worry about who would watch William, as Tristan was in a hurry to meet us all. William watched a movie and ate a cherry popsicle with the triage nurse at the nurses station for what felt like only a few minutes. He was a very good sport, and is turning into an awesome big brother. William has lots of kisses for Tristan, and has learned how to say Tristan rather understandably. Yesterday Tristan started crying and before I had gotten to him, William was standing over him patting his tummy saying "It's okay, it's okay". He's just too precious.
Just the 4 of us!!

Tristan will be one month old tomorrow already! We've been up to alot in that four weeks, and I'll post more pictures later. We got out of the hospital after 3 days, and the first few nights were rough. Between the two boys waking up it felt like we were all zombies. We weren't planning on going home to Bemidji for Christmas (as we were planning on going in Jan) but Jeremy had a death in the family. It's funny how things work out sometimes, we ended up home for Christmas after all. We had a nice Christmas with both of our families. Then we spent a few days back home, and Jeremy did alot of work on Tristan's bedroom. By the time that was done three weeks had gone by and Jeremy went back to work. It's crazy how time flies. Of course he only worked 2 days before we went back to Bemidji for his fishing trip to Baudette with the guys. Somehow in our time off we did manage to take the boys to Alvin & the Chipmunks (William was dancing, he loved the music, it was too cute.), have Christmas ourselves at home, and get out icefishing twice (Tristan & I just joined the guys for a few minutes after they were all set up in the warm house.)
Going home from the hospital

We have lots of pictures to share in good time. We are enjoying all being together. Tristan is a very good baby. He's a good eater, and seems to be growing already. But more importantly (to mom's sanity) he's a very good sleeper, and will sleep 4 to sometimes even 7 hours overnight. Now if I could get him to teach his brother how to do that we'ld be in business! Thanks to everyone who has been thinking about us and anticipating Tristan's arrival! We appreciated you all, and everything you do for us! We'll write again soon....