Well it's been awhile since we've posted now. Two weeks ago we caught crayfish on the river here in Rochester. It was quite the experience. Of course Jeremy found a good recipe and we had crayfish for supper on Sunday evening. It was good, but alot of work for a little bit of meat ;) Enjoy the pics. Obviously Will liked to catch the crayfish (or at least make a valiant effort and lots of splashing) more than he enjoyed sitting on the riverbank. I just couldn't leave the shot out though, he's just always been so expressive.
Then we celebrated Easter last weekend. Every little twenty month old boy is supposed to get five easter baskets right? This one is sure loved :) First we went to the office to pick up our package and Amber, who runs the apartment building, had a few baskets left over from a little easter party they had in the office. Her basket for William was of course filled with candy which is still being carried around the apartment (especially the boxes of jelly beans). Then he opened his package from Grandpa & Grandma E & got his second basket. Thanks so much for the beach toys, outfit(ROAR!!), book & candy. The beach toys are in every room around here. :) Then on Sunday we gave him a very small basket with a book & an egg which hatches into a creature~ dinosaur or turle it's a suprise. No big suprise his parents didn't give him candy which was OK because everybody else has him all set up. Then Grandpa & Grandma D came over & we had Easter brunch & he got another bucket with books & treats. Will really enjoys the hop along bunny book & the music that comes with it. He's sure going to be a sweetheart! And last but not least we went to visit our friends Josey & Beth for dinner and they had picked him out a too cute camo basket with camo & football eggs. Another book & more chocolate for William :) Thanks Beth now he knows how to unwrap kisses all by himself! Thanks to everyone who helped to make our easter special & sweet! We love you guys!
We had a nice visit with my parents last weekend. They came down to visit us which was awesome since Jeremy had to work Good Friday. We were sad to not be able to make it home to Bemidji to see the rest of our families but it's just too much to do in two days. So we were very thankful my parents came to us this year! We got to do a little hiking in Whitewater State Park, see Soldier's Field, have lots of good food, not to mention Olive Garden for my upcoming birthday! Thanks for all of the fun times you guys, we're sooo glad you could make it!! I'll be putting up some more pictures of last weekend & our lastest fishing trip soon but I just don't have them ready yet.
Things William is up to:
*running like crazy!
*climbing & finding his way up on everything
*sitting in his rocking chair flipping thru books
*chatting with everybody he meets in the store or restaurant
*saying NO to every question mommy ask (even if he means YES!!)
*used the potty chair for the second time successfully (Go Will!)
*picking up phones and starting his imaginary conversation with HI
*blowing kisses goodbye, too sweet
*calling everybody BABY, whether your <1yr or greater than 30yr
*sucking on his baby's pacifier while carrying her around~haha
*he can reel in a fishing line faster than anybody else on the lake
*being an awesome friendly lovely little almost 2yr old boy.
Our beautiful boy

This time last year!! It's so amazing how they grow up so fast!