Just a belated Happy Birthday to my Mommy (who hasn't updated in awhile)!! She had to work on her birthday but Dad & I did pick up some awesome party hats & he let me pick out the cake! Monsters vs Aliens was the first movie they ever took me too, and I was very good! Anyways Happy Birthday Mommy, we missed you, but good think you're celebrating like Uncle Sonny always did, all month long!!I'll let Mom tell you what we're up to. Love, Will :)
Here's some photos from Easter weekend. Now that I've gotten behind maybe someday I'll catch up! Then it will probably be time to move. Anyways Enjoy!!
Thanks for coming down to visit us!

Playing with Grandpa

Dying eggs

Decorating eggs with Grandma

The finished products!!
Hiking at Whitewater...he's to cute.

Three generations

One cool dude

The guides

Just like the grownups

He fits right in...

Relaxing with Grandpa

Since I posted last we haven't been up to alot. Last weekend I worked, and it's been crazy there. I had Friday off because of some classes I had this week, and they called every four hours to see if I wanted to work. So I've worked enough extra hours this week. I work nights this week Tues -Thursday and then have a few weeks of days which will be nice ;)
I had better get off to rest before work tonight. I will eventually get last weeks fishing & jungle gym photos up as well. Sending you guys hugs...
Very cool for Jeremy and Will to hook you up with a cake and such stylin hats! :)
Jenelle let me know your blog address.
Hope to check in more your little buy looks to be about 8 mos younger than mine. Aren't they a blast at this age?
Alissa (Hockenson) Preuss
oops too fast typing obviously boy not "buy"
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