Tristan at one month:
Is an awesome eater going every three to four hours during the day and six to eight hours at night so we get some sleep.
Is usually sleeping at least one four to six hour stretch per night.
Is a snuggler, which means he is starting to really think he should be held at all times while awake.
Is wearing three month old clothes and size 1 diapers. Amazing how they grow!
Has been icefishing and is a pretty good sport about it.
Doesn't love his carseat, especially if the car isn't moving.
Is starting to have more time during the day being awake & showing off his big brown eyes. No question what color they'll be when he grows up :)
Takes all kind of love from his big brother, including attempts at wrestling which has so far been caught before really occuring.
William is doing really well at being the big brother. He does tend to act out when you're holding Tristan, especially if you're feeding him, Will's just trying to test the boundaries. So far though we've been really lucky and it's been pretty smooth. Except maybe for the sleeping thru the night in his own bed. Thank goodness Tristan appreciates his sleep because I think it might be what's keeping me sane some nights. William is enjoying going to daycare , he loves his friends there. He gets so excited when you pull into their drive, it's too cute :) He has a special little girlfriend there, Mel, who he talks about the most, she's three. Julie said one day she checked on the kids at naptime and Will wasn't in his car bed but she found him curled up next to Mel's mat. Precious! William is really starting to talk, and knows lots of words now. His favorite fruit this month is apples and I think he'ld eat them for every meal if he got his choice. He's very two years old, that's for sure.
We have been doing well. I'm enjoying my maternity leave and have about a month left. It's funny because I love being at home with Tristan but still kind of miss work. I'm sure I'll be back soon enough though. Well I'm hoping it won't take as long to get our next update and photos out, but I can't promise anything. The boys have been sick with a respiratory bug, first William, then Jeremy & now Tristan has it :( They called it bronchiolitis at the clinic today, it's a little hard for him to breathe but they're hopeful he should be getting over it soon. If you could keep him in your thoughts that would be great, it would be great to all feel better soon. Thanks for continuing to check up on us!
Congratulations on your little man!! You have a beautiful family!
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