We took our first hiking trip out at WhiteWater State Park this spring. We had a great trip. Now if Spring would only come to stay! This time Tristan was very interested in everything & enjoyed running around and exploring after he was released from the backpack. He loves the ride & doesn't complain at all, but has finally decided it is fun to move around on his own. William is alot more daring this year & thought we should take the "shortcut" down the hill, which is basically a ravine you could fall down. You would quickly get to the bottom, but I'm pretty sure that's not a preferred trail there! He was not so easily convinced otherwise. He also likes to walk a few steps and then jump, so I nearly had a million heart attacks. Jeremy would probably say I was over reacting, but I really prefer none of us take the "shortcuts" down the hill!
A hike down memory lane
I thought the last time we had been hiking at WhiteWater State Park was last fall, but apparently it was the beginning of May 2010. It doesn't seem that long ago but here are two pics from almost a year ago! I don't usually post pics where I look so terrible, but I guess at least I can say it was a year ago. This was our first time hiking with both boys. My crazy husband carried Tristan in the Bjorn & William in the backpack. I did end up carrying William because he had fallen asleep & I didn't want to wake him to put him in the pack. It was a short nap and he was back to running along with us. What a difference a year makes!
Obviously I can't believe how quickly time goes by! A few words about the kids for those of you wondering:
Tristan is now 15monts old. I don't think that's even possible but we were in for his checkup so I guess it's for real! He weighs 28lbs, but has been that heavy for the past 4 months. He's a great eater, but is becoming a toddler and doesn't eat everything in front of him. If he likes what he's offered, he can eat as much as his Mamma(and usually way more than his brother) but if he doesn't, the plate will promptly be dumped on the floor. He can say a few words, Mamma, Dadda, All done, NONONO. Sometimes it feels like I am saying the last word continuously between him & his brother, I have to try to say it in other words. He's really taken off walking this month & can even stagger a run. Tristan aka"the terror" loves to empty everything, take things apart, and pick things up again. He is happy and always laughing. He may have gotten my sarcasm though because he laughs at some bizarre things. He is going to be our super villian and loves the movie Despicable Me....he just can't stop laughing, it's too cute.
William is three and a half already.....crazy! He's very three years old. Any of you with 3yr olds know exactly what I mean! His vocabulary has bloomed this year. He doesn't hesitate to tell you exactly what he wants, even though it's unlikely that he's going to get it. This month he LOVES the toystore, but is still upset that we forgot Captain America's sisters (aka fellow superheroes) there. Even when I explain we left them there on purpose, it's not the end of it. He is going to be Spiderman, Iron Man or a PowerRanger when he grows up. Only when he's not using his superhero powers he's going to be wearing a stethoscope? I'm not sure about that, he doesn't truly understand what I do when I go to work, and he does NOT like the doctor (even though the nurses give the shots :). His favorite color is green, but don't buy him anything green because that really means he LOVES red. William is excited for spring so he can play tball & soccer in the backyard.
Jeremy and I are doing well. Mostly working & living the life with the kids. We are so blessed. We are excited for spring so we won't be cooped up in the house all day long, everyday! Maybe sometime soon! Hopefully it won't be so long before the next update but I can't promise anything.
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