* I was going to work a night shift and woke up to the guys coming home from daycare. I came downstairs to SMELL my husband washing my sons hair with peanut butter because his love of gum had worked it's way into the top of Will's head. SuperDad saved his hair, I told Will next time it would be a summer haircut for him.
* Will loves change. He runs around the house & picks up change (that he's left all around the house) and then proceeds to crawl over to the VCR and start dropping the change into it as if it's a slot machine. Jeremy is calmly saying "WILLIAM" in an attention getting voice, while I can't help but say, "Seriously, it's a little late now :)"
* William heart his babydoll, which is actually my babydoll, the last doll I remember wanting for myself and receiving from my parents. One day he threw a huge fit because he wanted to take Baby out of the house with us shopping. So I gave in and Baby came shopping with us. Poor Baby, she didn't know what was going to happen to her. We got to the mall and he wasn't about to leave Baby in the car while we shopped so I let him hold her in the stroller (as he is NOT allowed free roaming while shopping with one parent or I might loose my only son). We were on our way thru the mall when he says BABY, so I'm looking around for the baby he's looking at all the while he's saying BABY louder and louder. Finally I'm going to tell him that I don't see a baby when I look at him and realize Baby is MISSING. The cute little baby is the perfect size for being thrown out, and rolled over with even seeing her or feeling a bump. So we turn around and spenc a few extra moments to find Baby. She was traumatized a few times that trip, and by the end I told him, "If you have to throw her out could you at least let me know right away so I can just grab her & not have to search all over?" To which he politely smiled thinking "Yeah right, Mom, HAHAHAHA, where's the fun in that?".
* William loves Rice Krispie Bars. We were on a car trip and he was pretty upset and wanting to be there, and we weren't. So he quietly settled for snack time in the car. I only give him part of the bar at a time, for choking reasons, and so I peeked in the rear view wondering if he was ready for more. Only to find a human Rice Krispie Bar peeking back at me, literally. If only I had the camera, he picked each krispie apart and stuck it in his eyes, on his face, and then when he ran out of face in between all of his fingers & toes. I've never seen edible camouflauge before, but it was hilarious. And seeing how pleased with himself only made it even funnier.
* William does not love frogs. On a recent fishing trip there were lots of frogs & toads out, and Jeremy figured William would love to play with them, why not he loves worms? William was just interested until the frog actually made an attempt to jump during which poor Will was scared out of his mind. Let's just say there was some really crying going on.
Kids....you have to love them!
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