So anyways the camping trip went well, we had a blast. Time goes to fast, especially when you have to drive six hours there & back but it was also good to get home and have some time together. We had a good time with both of our families and even some time with the cousins. We have a ton of great pics I'll have to get up once we have internet....
We have been busy getting settled into our new home. For those of you who haven't been there, or seen pics, we have a bit of a wallpaper problem which will slowly be repaired one room at a time :) So we started with William's room to be...and have now finished one room. I should say once we have new curtains for the boy we'll be done and moving the crib into his room. We have ordered some furnitre for our bedroom & the living room to be, which should be here next week so that's exciting as well. There is alot of empty space now~ if you can imagine a two bedroom apartment filling up a four bedroom house, hahaha or leaving it mosly empty :)
Our little baby turned two on August 8th. How crazy is that?? Pretty crazy I think. What has William been up to? William is now running like crazy. He's got a great throwing arm on him, and always picks up multiple different balls while shopping at the store. He is learning to love cars (or vroom according to him), and sometimes trains( which are choo-choos). He can actually say train but chooses not to say car or truck because he likes to go Vroom! William is finally learning more words you can understand. He says eat, drink, please (more like peas) and thank you (ank u) is learning lots of animals and their sounds. He can say pee for potty and is usually right about when he should go, whether he refuses to go into the bathroom or not (hopefully it's not at a time he's diaperless). He is a great eater, and especially loves fruit (or fwoot as he says it) but has learned how to ask for treats (tweets) He has know how to say NO for a long time but his new favorite phrase is "I want toooo" and two could be anything from going outside to a drink, sometimes who knows :) He has definitely learned how to turn on the waterworks and can make the whole Target store look at you like an abuser. Thankfully most people who comment say things like "it won't always be your son", or "we could never even take my son out to the store".
We're excited to announce that William is going to be a big brother in December. He's going to be having a baby brother around December 28th and we couldn't be more excited. When the internet is fixed we'll put up the little guys first photos. For those of you wondering I feel pretty good, but it hasn't always been this good :) Once William's room is finished, we'll start working on the nursery to be, where he's currently residing.
I could write alot more but I figure that's enough big news for one morning. I'll same some for another day! Thanks for checking up on us, and sorry I've been delinquent. Hopefully it will get better here shortly.
Congratulations on baby number two! How exciting especially as the time draws nearer!
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